Astrophotography Gallery (by Igor Chekalin)
3D Astronomical screensaversDeep Sky imagesSolar System images

NGC2264 Cone and The Fox Fur nebula
(Ha)GB composition

<Higher Resolution (1552x1024, 555Kb)>

Optics  Mizar Tal-1M, 4.4" Newton (D=110mm, F=800mm)
Exposure Details 10x20min for RGB and 8x20min H-alpha chanel
Mount EQ6 PRO SynScan
Camera/Guider Canon 350D (modified with Baader IR-cut filter.), Guider camera is QHY6 CCD.
Filter Astrodon 6nm H-alpha filter
Date Feb  12, 2008 (RGB) and Jan 06 (H-alpha)
Location Suburban, 7km from 300k pop. town. 

©2000-2007 All images, text and software are copyright Igor Chekalin