Astrophotography Gallery (by Igor Chekalin)
3D Astronomical screensaversDeep Sky imagesSolar System images

Cygnus constellation's nebulae mosaic
(NGC7000 North America, IC 5070 Pelican, IC1318 - The Butterfly, NGC6888 Crescent  and many other nebulae)

<High Resolution (2000x1141, 1.6Mb)>

Optics  Jupiter 37A lens, (F=135mm 1:3.5)
Exposure Details 4 frames Mosaic, 7+4+6+3 images by 10 min. exposures, ISO800
Mount EQ6 PRO SynScan
Camera/Guider Canon 350D (modified with Baader IR-cut filter.), Guider camera is QHY6 CCD.
Filter Baader UHC-S
Date Aug 11, 2007
Location Suburban, 7km from 300k pop. town. 

©2000-2007 All images, text and software are copyright Igor Chekalin